Hello, Danny. Come and play with us. Forever...and ever...and ever.
jordan drinks tab
jordan drinks tab
how to make a halloween costume with little effort, some creativity and just praying that people watch as much television as you do
You have two days left to come up with a good costume. All of the Heisenberg's and the Daenarys's are taken and you need something clever in a hurry. RIGHT. Well I came across this photo on the Huffington Post's TV tumblr and it gave me a few ideas.

How easy/fun is that? Most people know the Cheers credits, and there are a few others out there you could replicate as well that would be fairly well known.

1. "Executive Producer Vince Gilligan" - since Breaking Bad is still hot right now and it's easier and more out there than just being Heisenberg. Unless you're a sexy Heisenberg.

2. "Executive Producer Dick Wolf" - who hasn't seen at least one variation of the multiple variations of Law & Order?
3. Why not just wear a black t-shirt (as seen above, but without the caption) and go as the infamous Soprano's ending? Just make sure you crank some Journey.
That's a good start, right? You can always get slightly more creative when it comes down to it.
4. Be completely animated in only 6-second intervals and just go as a Vine video. Namely a Chris D'Elia or a Batdad video because they are the best.
Okay step it up just sliiightly more.
5. Dress yourself in blue and be meth. Yes, I went there, be meth from Breaking Bad and extra points for crystalizing yourself in any way or wrapping yourself in a plastic bag. And if you have leftover plastic why not lend it to a friend...?
6. ...so they can go as a Dexter victim, even a sexy Dexter victim because obviously you're wearing plastic. More extra points for blood.
7. Why not just find something of a period piece and go as a victim of Game Of Throne's Red Wedding? Wait for it...OF COURSE EXTRA POINTS FOR BLOOD AGAIN!
8. Or the last one, the easiest of all of them. Print out a piece of paper that says "muggle". Wrap around neck. Easy enough, just don't blame me if someone dressed as Draco Malfoy calls you names. But you're an adult and you can take it, right?
9. And out of all of the wrecking ball costume attempts (including the pug we all love) this human variation may be my favorite.

This and other wrecking ball ideas found here.
How easy/fun is that? Most people know the Cheers credits, and there are a few others out there you could replicate as well that would be fairly well known.

1. "Executive Producer Vince Gilligan" - since Breaking Bad is still hot right now and it's easier and more out there than just being Heisenberg. Unless you're a sexy Heisenberg.

2. "Executive Producer Dick Wolf" - who hasn't seen at least one variation of the multiple variations of Law & Order?
3. Why not just wear a black t-shirt (as seen above, but without the caption) and go as the infamous Soprano's ending? Just make sure you crank some Journey.
That's a good start, right? You can always get slightly more creative when it comes down to it.
4. Be completely animated in only 6-second intervals and just go as a Vine video. Namely a Chris D'Elia or a Batdad video because they are the best.
Okay step it up just sliiightly more.
5. Dress yourself in blue and be meth. Yes, I went there, be meth from Breaking Bad and extra points for crystalizing yourself in any way or wrapping yourself in a plastic bag. And if you have leftover plastic why not lend it to a friend...?
6. ...so they can go as a Dexter victim, even a sexy Dexter victim because obviously you're wearing plastic. More extra points for blood.
7. Why not just find something of a period piece and go as a victim of Game Of Throne's Red Wedding? Wait for it...OF COURSE EXTRA POINTS FOR BLOOD AGAIN!
8. Or the last one, the easiest of all of them. Print out a piece of paper that says "muggle". Wrap around neck. Easy enough, just don't blame me if someone dressed as Draco Malfoy calls you names. But you're an adult and you can take it, right?
9. And out of all of the wrecking ball costume attempts (including the pug we all love) this human variation may be my favorite.
This and other wrecking ball ideas found here.
jordan drinks tab

Enjoying refreshing TaB's, while indulging in some really good and really bad television.
Monday was pretty progressive. HIMYM was a little on the eh side, just have the mother show up already come on. There is a mom but she is on Mom and I met her on the very first episode. Hostages just keeps creeping me out more and more but I can't stop watching. And now that I'm on the current season of Downton...
jordan drinks tab
it's friday, friday
jordan drinks tab
jordan drinks tab
things that bother me pt. 2
1. When my twitter app alerts me of a following, retweet, etc. but when I actually go into the app it has nothing pointing me in direction of the follower, retweet, etc unless I'm following THEM.
2. Second (and sometimes third) day hashbrowns. Day job cafeteria I adore that you provide me nourishment however I do not enjoy when you give me yesterdays hashbrowns that had been colded and then reheated. They taste different.
3. Trains. I hate waiting for them.
4. The fact that so few people understand what this means to me:
5. When my dread pokes through my hair. Hide, damnit.
6. Those who have little regard for four way stops. Honestly, I'll be the one to hang back and wait even if we get there at the same time because typically everyone else is in a hurry, but when I do that and you give me the wave and then as soon as I go you also try to go that doesn't work for me. And as a sidenote it also doesn't work for me when you have a stop sign, I don't, and you think because I'm fifteen feet away you have time to speed up and go. One day I am going to hit you and I won't feel bad about it. Hashtage necessary rage.
7. Somehow Aadi seems to be under the impression that every sweater I own is her blanket. Um, it's to keep me warm and not you. And while we're on the subject of doggys...
8. Why is midnight your ideal time to go potty and eat your dinner?
9. Did you know that one of my lower arms is larger than the other (I'm sure there is a technical term for that body part but I am not sure what it is)? When I scrunch up long sleeves the left side ALWAYS falls down and the right stays put and I measured the other day and it is SIGNIFICANTLY bigger. It's really starting to bother me, I need to learn to write with my left hand.
10. Fake spider web. My porch honestly looks like I was just lazy, not that we cleaned out all of the real cobwebs to make room for fake ones. So awesome.
jordan drinks tab

Enjoying refreshing TaB's, while indulging in some really good and really bad television.
Tuesdays are fairly slow, as we know. Sometimes I have to fill the night with things like making dinner and showering but emjoying some New Girl to get to The Mindy Project (which has consistently gotten better this season) is why I am here to write.
halloween done right - television edition duh
Growing up it was about the sitcom. TGIF on Friday's (obviously), reruns of basically everything from 1992 and before after school and endless hours of The Simspsons, me not appreciating Seinfeld and being upset that Frasier pushed back The Golden Girls back an hour on Lifetime. Sitcoms knew how to rock the Halloween special. Now most television bothers too much with "story lines" and "avoiding plot holes" so it's hard to make a good Halloween or even Christmas episode lately. There are some classics that can't be touched, and a few newer shows that have carried on the tradition.

From youtube.
We always start with the King. The Jaguar of Halloween television, Home Improvement. There are too many to narrow down, I feel that all of these episodes should be individually celebrated but really, who has the time? SEVEN Halloween specials. SEVEN out of EIGHT seasons had one (shame on you season 1). So to rattle off, the quintessential Haunting of Taylor House. Brad as Raggedy Andy only to be ditched by Jennifer and Rider Strong. Jill as a freaking CARROT, the atom boy and Al's head in a toolbox. Yes.
And the rest in order of best to worst, because obviously Haunting of Taylor House is the best: A Night To Dismember (gothic Mark), Crazy For You (crazy stalker lady), Betwitched (Wilson's witchy date), I Was a Teenage Taylor (mainly for the Buzz/Simba reference), Let Them Eat Cake (pumpkin Wilson, and the honestly pretty boring Borland Ambiton (golf attire).

Frasier was a big fan of THEME PARTIES. First, in Halloween, Niles hosted a party and asked everyone to come dressed as a character from literature. In Room Full Of Heroes, Frasier has everyone dress up as their, well, heroes. And then in Tales From The Crypt, they just all play some pranks. Not your best, Frasier.

Now Roseanne does have one more Halloween special than Home Improvement so I'm fine with dubbing her the queen. Trick or Treat messed with gender roles, Halloween IV was probably my favorite with a sort of Christmas Carol vibe (they did it before Tim Burton. Or did they? Someone look that up) and I cannot leave out The Final Chapter because hello, she names her baby after Jerry Garcia.

One show that usually nailed it on the Halloween front was The Office. Let's take the time to admire Jim Halpert's amazing costume choices. Jim successfully pulled off Bookface, three-hole-punch Jim, Dave and Popeye (once he became married and boring). I can also commend Michael Scott's paper mache twin head, the multiple Joker costumes (RIP Heath) and that one time Ryan went as Jesse Pinkman from Breaking Bad. Though Kelly Kapoor pulling off Carrie Bradshaw was also very astonishing.

There have been a few great costumes and recurring story lines revolving around Halloween in How I Met Your Mother but really the ones worth mentioning are The Slutty Pumpkin in season 1 and The Slutty Pumpkin Returns in season 7 (and she returned again briefly LAST WEEK). Ted met a slutty pumpkin in 2001 and every Halloween he waits for her at the rooftop party. She doesn't show up again until 2007 (good job losing her phone number there buddy). That's a long time to wait and go figure she isn't even the mother, but she's Katie Holmes and she loves Barenaked Ladies. Deal breaker.
Now just wait until Christmas.
From youtube.
We always start with the King. The Jaguar of Halloween television, Home Improvement. There are too many to narrow down, I feel that all of these episodes should be individually celebrated but really, who has the time? SEVEN Halloween specials. SEVEN out of EIGHT seasons had one (shame on you season 1). So to rattle off, the quintessential Haunting of Taylor House. Brad as Raggedy Andy only to be ditched by Jennifer and Rider Strong. Jill as a freaking CARROT, the atom boy and Al's head in a toolbox. Yes.
And the rest in order of best to worst, because obviously Haunting of Taylor House is the best: A Night To Dismember (gothic Mark), Crazy For You (crazy stalker lady), Betwitched (Wilson's witchy date), I Was a Teenage Taylor (mainly for the Buzz/Simba reference), Let Them Eat Cake (pumpkin Wilson, and the honestly pretty boring Borland Ambiton (golf attire).
Frasier was a big fan of THEME PARTIES. First, in Halloween, Niles hosted a party and asked everyone to come dressed as a character from literature. In Room Full Of Heroes, Frasier has everyone dress up as their, well, heroes. And then in Tales From The Crypt, they just all play some pranks. Not your best, Frasier.
Now Roseanne does have one more Halloween special than Home Improvement so I'm fine with dubbing her the queen. Trick or Treat messed with gender roles, Halloween IV was probably my favorite with a sort of Christmas Carol vibe (they did it before Tim Burton. Or did they? Someone look that up) and I cannot leave out The Final Chapter because hello, she names her baby after Jerry Garcia.
One show that usually nailed it on the Halloween front was The Office. Let's take the time to admire Jim Halpert's amazing costume choices. Jim successfully pulled off Bookface, three-hole-punch Jim, Dave and Popeye (once he became married and boring). I can also commend Michael Scott's paper mache twin head, the multiple Joker costumes (RIP Heath) and that one time Ryan went as Jesse Pinkman from Breaking Bad. Though Kelly Kapoor pulling off Carrie Bradshaw was also very astonishing.
There have been a few great costumes and recurring story lines revolving around Halloween in How I Met Your Mother but really the ones worth mentioning are The Slutty Pumpkin in season 1 and The Slutty Pumpkin Returns in season 7 (and she returned again briefly LAST WEEK). Ted met a slutty pumpkin in 2001 and every Halloween he waits for her at the rooftop party. She doesn't show up again until 2007 (good job losing her phone number there buddy). That's a long time to wait and go figure she isn't even the mother, but she's Katie Holmes and she loves Barenaked Ladies. Deal breaker.
Now just wait until Christmas.
jordan drinks tab
jordan drinks tab

Enjoying refreshing TaB's, while indulging in some really good and really bad television.
So I gave up on The Walking Dead. I'm SORRY. I'm the only one in the world that just could not stand last season. That means, of course, that since Bob's Burgers and The Simpson's were preempted by baseball or something, you get Revenge. And Masterchef Juniors for good measure, and I'll throw in a little Doctor Who and Downton Abbey because I'm nice.
jordan drinks tab

Enjoying refreshing TaB's, while indulging in some really good and really bad television.
Thursday. Busy night. Seriously. Between all of the sitcoms (Michael J. Fox, Sean Saves The World, The Big Bang Theory and The Crazy Ones) and all of the dramas (Glee (but not tonight), Parenthood and Grey's Anatomy) and one new show Reign there is a lot going on. But honestly tonight was so right on, I wasn't upset with ANYTHING. And that's rare.
it's friday, friday
i will just call this post the shinning because i also do not want to get sued
It is no surprise that The Shining is my favorite movie. What I love almost as much as the movie itself is all of the references out there within movies and television. Here is my list of some of the best of them.
As written recently here, small obsession with Treehouse of Horror, and probably the best of all-time is The Shinning. Obviously a classic and deserved it's out shout out so moving on...
I don't watch Supernatural. I'm sorry. Doxey watches Supernatural so I am sure at some point I will get there. One thing I am aware of regarding the series is their multiple references to The Shining. Just a few of my favorites that are a little more thought out than just dialogue: A not so obvious reference to the nearest city of Sidewinder, a few apartment/room numbers being 237, and basically the entire season 2 episode Playthings. Seriously, why am I not watching this again?
Sid's carpet in Toy Story looks a bit familiar.

The South Park episode A Nightmare on Facetime loosely follows the plot of the movie where Stan's family purchases an abandoned Blockbuster video only for Stan's dad to be haunted by ghosts and turn into a Jack Torrence-y like maniac.

One of my favorites is so extremely subtle I did not catch it until the re-watch. Breaking Bad pays a small tribute in season 3. The Salamanca twins murder a police officer with an axe. Minutes before on the police radio you hear a call to KDK-12, the same call letters of the Overlook Hotel.
This 30 Seconds to Mars music video.
Gilmore Girls has five of them (and also has my heart). Mainly verbiage including axes, "here's Johnny" and crazy people.
Crawl Space, one of the earlier episodes of one of the best animated shows ever Bob's Burgers, takes place in a crawl space. Obviously. But with Bob being trapped within the crawl space he starts to hallucinate...about a bar...

And probably the most well-known from Friends.
And this photo because hello obviously.

As written recently here, small obsession with Treehouse of Horror, and probably the best of all-time is The Shinning. Obviously a classic and deserved it's out shout out so moving on...
I don't watch Supernatural. I'm sorry. Doxey watches Supernatural so I am sure at some point I will get there. One thing I am aware of regarding the series is their multiple references to The Shining. Just a few of my favorites that are a little more thought out than just dialogue: A not so obvious reference to the nearest city of Sidewinder, a few apartment/room numbers being 237, and basically the entire season 2 episode Playthings. Seriously, why am I not watching this again?
Sid's carpet in Toy Story looks a bit familiar.
The South Park episode A Nightmare on Facetime loosely follows the plot of the movie where Stan's family purchases an abandoned Blockbuster video only for Stan's dad to be haunted by ghosts and turn into a Jack Torrence-y like maniac.
One of my favorites is so extremely subtle I did not catch it until the re-watch. Breaking Bad pays a small tribute in season 3. The Salamanca twins murder a police officer with an axe. Minutes before on the police radio you hear a call to KDK-12, the same call letters of the Overlook Hotel.
This 30 Seconds to Mars music video.
Gilmore Girls has five of them (and also has my heart). Mainly verbiage including axes, "here's Johnny" and crazy people.
Crawl Space, one of the earlier episodes of one of the best animated shows ever Bob's Burgers, takes place in a crawl space. Obviously. But with Bob being trapped within the crawl space he starts to hallucinate...about a bar...
And probably the most well-known from Friends.
And this photo because hello obviously.
jordan drinks tab

Enjoying refreshing TaB's, while indulging in some really good and really bad television.
Wednesday brings us SVU, Coven and some new show called Reign that based on the commercial I heard on the radio this morning, reminded me of a teen Game of Thrones so of course I am in, but I won't get to actually view it until Thursday (oh the perils).
Correction: Apparently Reign is on Thursdays? My bad.
jordan drinks tab
jordan drinks tab

Enjoying refreshing TaB's, while induldging in some really good and really bad television.
Super cool:
-Hostages, Mom and The Crazy Ones are still holding my interest. One or more of them may have been watched with wine so it's absolutely possible that my opinions are masked by fermented grapes.
-Sean Saves The World and The Michael J Fox show better get picked up or I will cry.
-SVU has been better than it has been in years (until the news that Munch is leaving broke, that is).
-The judges on Masterchef Juniors seriously have the best sense of humor with those kids, it's adorable. And I'm pretty sure that Joe's suit was expensive so that just shows you.
Super lame:
-Grey's Anatomy has been on my entire adult life so to say it's gotten bland actually kind of saddens me. But it has, except for every scene that Alex Karev is in.
-Revenge and I are on the fence. I love it, but really I'm only watching to find out how they're going to end this and if Conrad Grayson is going to end up on an island by himself at some point.
Absolute best:
Absolute worst:
More thought bubbles:
-Hostages is worth catching up on for the mere fact that the dude that played Billy Walsh on Entourage is legitimately amazing and deserves more credit on the show.
-American Horror Story Coven premiered this week and while it was absolutely mind-blowing, I still have mixed feelings on the, um fraternity scene.
-This week I also finished season 6 of Doctor Who which is a huge accomplishment considering I started it a year ago. BUT it feels so good and I am ready for the anniversary.
*At some point I'm sure I'll elaborate on this but if you watched this week you know exactly what I mean.
**One day I'll also settle on a format for this series but for now, you get something different every week! FUN!
it's friday, friday
One of my favorite spooky tracks I discovered this year. I've only liked a few versions of this song with all of the covers that are out there, and this one currently tops the list.
the treehouse of horror
This past weekend on my Halloween watching of random things adventures I settled on the Treehouse of Horror episodes of The Simpson's. These are seriously classics! That show has been on what, 20 years? 25? Before I was born!? Yeah, it has. And even though most of us Utahrds weren't allowed to watch it as a kid (with me being the exception much to the dismay of my grandmother) I grew up with these and looked forward to them every October.
The first official Treehouse of Horror aired during Season 2. It's probably one of the most notable, one, because it was on so long ago and The Simpson's has been in syndication almost as long as it's been on, and two, because of the amazing rendition of The Raven. I had a high school english teacher (RIP Mrs. Dubois) that was slightly nutty and slightly obsessed with anything literary that came from the cartoon.
I really enjoy one parody in Treehouse of Horror 3, Clown Without Pity. Seriously, demonic Krusty the Clown doll comes alive and terrorizes everyone. Krusty never really appealed to me as a kid. I was more enamored with Sideshow Bob (and later Frasier, obviously). And on occasion, Sideshow Mel (NILES!).
The next one worth mentioning is Treehouse of Horror 5, referencing my favorite movie ofalltime The Shining, though of course it's called The Shinning because Willey doesn't want to get sueeed. With so many references to the movie, honestly, it's brilliantly done and so hilarious. "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" is spun into "No tv and no beer make homer something something". That something is GO CRAZY. And he does. And it's cute.
And who can forget the time machine toaster? How could you? Changing history by stepping on a fish? And my personal favorite, "...oh look, it's raining." Donuts! It's raining donuts!
There is also a slight play on Pink Floyd's The Wall will sending misbehaving children to meat grinder detention. They don't need no education.
Let's skip ahead to this years because in the last several there haven't been THAT many of note (ok, except the Twilight bit voiced by Harry Potter. That was gold).
This years couch credits was directed by the amazing Guillermo Del Toro. And they were creepy.
The cat in the hat sketch was rather cute even if it did ruin my thoughts on the children's book. Bart's severed head makes me never want to fly a kite again (if Mary Poppin's hadn't already done a number on me. Won't lie, wasn't a big fan of the last sketch. However, the ending ("...and that is how I met your mother") complete with closing credit theme music from actual How I Met Your Mother deserved a rewind. Twice.
I feel like this needs to become a tradition. Watch these every year leading up to the new one, and hopefully not being that disappointed (so far, so good).
things that bother me pt. 1
1. Emails from Obama.
2. The train that consistently makes me late for day job. That and I like to sleep in. But mostly, the train.
3. That pinterest trick where you put the wooden spoon on the boiling water pot and it's "supposed" to stop it from boiling over. It doesn't. At least when there is potato soup powder involved.
4. Why does my necklace clasp move forward every day?
5. Boy band bother: So in that 90 Degrees song The Hardest Thing. It's always bothered me that they just imply the girl is going to try after Nick Lachey croons his break up to her. I mean, sure, you're Nick Lachey and if it happened to me I'm sure I'd cry hysterically, but maybe said girl has it more together than I do. Maybe she actually was going to break up with him but he beat her to it? Seriously. Always has bothered me since I was a thirteen.
6. I can't decide on my new go-to wine. I used to be a white only gal and then (sorry Chryshele) I adapted a taste for red. So it's between Merlot, Cabernet and Shiraz. Which do you like? Shiraz has been my jam but lately the Cabernet has spoken to me. I hate decisions.
7. Horror movies with morals at the end. I am all for a good moral. Seriously. I have morals sometimes, even. However if you're going to get me with a psychological thriller, please don't try to teach me something in the last five minutes. I'll probably resent you.
8. How areas of Salt Lake City (and most larger cities I believe) are referred to as "districts". I'm not auditioning for The Hunger Games. I guess you don't really audition, but you know what I mean.
9. Netflix. You deny me King Of The Hill. For that, I'm upset.
10. The weather this week. Pick a side. Should I put away all of my dresses and short sleeves and pull out my cardigans? No. Because after a fifty degree day you're going to give me seventy-five. So thank you for that.
jordan drinks tab

New series (one of a few). I like tv. I watch tv. So I'm going to write about tv. Most of the traffic I get on this blog are on the posts that are pop culture related so it's time to listen. Each week I'll recap the crap I watch. I'll try to be witty, etc, but sometimes I may just ramble. And the title? Well when I signed up for Instagram, the name thatjordangirl (MY LIFELONG MONIKER) was taken*. I needed to get creative and I was drinking a TaB. The name was born. It looks like I drink and stab, but I assure you I do not. However oftentimes I do drink a nice, cold, TaB whilst watching television. So, like your favorite television recap show on E!, Jordan Drinks Tab is where we do this.
Okay. There was absolutely no way I could have started this column during premiere week. I would have died. DID YOU READ THIS?.
This week was a little more calm so let's just assume everyone watched premiers and call it good.
So Revenge. I was kind of interested through most of it, which is really sweet considering last year I was about done and barely remembered what even happened on the finale. Ashley has been Daven-ported. God I love you, Nolan. I'm glad you're out of jail.
How I Met Your Mother is not allowed to end like that. It's really not fair at all and I find it mean and offensive. I love how Lily and Ted had a little bondage time, platonic-ally. That was quite sweet. I just wish he would "meet" the mother already, that was he can stop pining over Robyn. I wonder how they're going to keep Hostages going? Is it going to be like Revenge and try to pull weird story lines out of nowhere to create a second season? Probably. Will I still watch it? Probably. I do like me some Jimmy Cooper though. Or, Tate Donovan for those of you that did not obsess over The O.C. like I did. Mom was pretty good after what I thought was a really strong premiere. I hope that one keeps going. I will forever be in love with Allison Janney and just assume that somewhere in her cupboard is her kitty mug she stole from the 10 Things I Hate About You set (RIP HEATH). I gave We Are Men a shot this week and I'll probably give it more shots, or take shots or what have you. It feels like a show that should come with a drinking game so maybe I will get on that and pitch it to the networks. I'm glad that Jerry O'Connell is getting some steady work and I'm glad that Tony Shalub is back, but did the beginning remind anyone of Happy Endings? It did me.
As much as I want to stop watching New Girl, I can't. Something keeps sucking me back in. It's probably Schmidt even though he is an uber bag of douche as seen in this weeks episode. CeCe weeping make me have all the feels.
As for Law and Order: SVU I'm fairly sure this will be the drama series this season that dominates me. The premiere was epic and even the Paula Deen/Trayvon Martin/"Blurred Lines" episode had me going, even if it was an even more blatant rip off than the Hilary Duff episode that totally has my heart. I seriously want to name my first child Detective Benson Shutt (or Benson for short) because she is such a badass.
Thurdsay is worse than Monday. Shit. I have a lot of television that night. Deep breath. The Crazy Ones has kept my interest kind of for the second week in a row, so those odds are good. I gave Sean Saves The World a short and lordy it was really good. Like really good in a surprising kind of way. I enjoy Megan Hilty and Lt. Dangle from Reno 911 so I think I'm on board. Michael J. Fox also did not disappoint. I am just so happy that Marie from Breaking Bad is still going to be on my television for hopefully years to come. Parenthood made me cry, as it should. Grey's Anatomy pissed me off as it should. Glee bored me because I'm dreading the episode next week. What else do I have on Thursday? I am missing something. Big Bang Theory, I always forget you. YOU WERE SO FUNNY THIS WEEK. Thank you. Go Neil Diamond and Penny is smart.
Friday is super reality fun night that technically I watch Saturday morning so I can still give the impression that I have a life. Honestly though my Friday night consisted of pizza and Doctor Who which in my land is a great life. Friday/Saturday morning gives me Shark Tank which is always addicting, I have no idea why. This week I didn't really notice anything worth investing in, I'll have to wait until something comes along that I can truly sink my teeth into and then I will be able to outbid Mark Cuban. Masterchef Juniors may be the cutest show in the entire world. It could only be cuter if it was called Masterchef Puppies which would probably be a terrible idea if you really think about it. These kids cook better than I will ever dream to and they support each other. It was up to the judges to stir the pot a bit and try to get some competition going.
Finally Saturday. Hey, Saturday is my free night, right? So we watched the Notre Dame game and maybe some Miley Cyrus on SNL. I can't help it, you guys. I really like her voice and her music and even, gulp, her. I do. I think she knows what she's doing and she's getting people to talk about her and she's laughing all the way to the bank. You go girl. You really did not disappoint and you honestly showcased what actual talent that you have. You done us proud. No twerking, and your singing was phenomenal.
Until next week, enjoy your Tab.
*I check daily. If that name is every up for grabs again, IT'S MINE.
it's friday, friday
Not really a song, but song related. I am completely, 100% not ready for this.
and that weekend i watched the scream tetrology
Just so you know I had to google "if three is a trilogy what is four? and that is how I learned what a tetrology was. Could also be called a quartet, which should have been obvious, but I like the word tetrology, welcome to my vocabulary.
Random Friday night a few weeks ago, had the place to myself until Zack got home from work and I decided to watch Scream. Why? Because it is an absolutely brilliant cinematic adventure. It takes me back to fifth grade on my couch watching it with my four year old sister (who had already seen it AND knew who the killer was). I resorted to this because Hollywood Video had a huge wait list for it and somehow my sister was able to convince my dad to rent it. So that worked in my favor. It was one of the few summer days my mom had stayed home from work so we were all able to enjoy this epic horror adventure.
We watched, she gasped and screamed...a lot. We definitely did the title justice and I'm actually surprised I was able to watch the entire movie because I was still deeply scarred from Candyman.
Friday night than to re-live this moment of my youth. It was just as good as I remembered even if I can now obviously tell that the killers are Billy and Stu because obviously. Why stop there? Let's watch Scream 2.

Hell yes. Cameo's by Buffy (Sarah Michelle Gellar) and Pacey (Joshua Jackson) and a really warped looking Portia de Rossi. Seriously, her eyebrows were gnarly and she totally played a sorority chick that hung out with Dylan McKay's wife. What would Ellen say? Randy died in the van and Courtney Cox had awesome hair. There were also a million Friends references that I truly didn't appreciate when I saw that in theaters. Also, the killers in this movie are really stupid. The dude from Justified and Jackie from Roseanne? It didn't make sense then and it still doesn't know, but the beautiful part is that it didn't NEED to make sense, did it? It just was.

So why not spend Saturday night watching Scream 3? MCDREAMY as a cop? Somehow I'm okay with this. Patrick Dempsey is stuck in between weird looking Dempsey and McDreamy Dempsey so it's a little precious to be able to witness that. Of course I've always been Team Noel when all things Felicity are considered so right on for him trying to kill everyone in this movie. Again, the story line is totally bonkers but I think the killer was much better than in the sequel. I had totally forgot that he was Sidney's brother, too. And Courtney Cox had horrible bangs and they really needed to go away. And why did Cotton Weary have to die? He was the best. And we have the same photo in our houses.
So I couldn't not watch Scream 4. This movie was awful, but not awful enough for me to not enjoy. Then again, I typically love awful things so it works. I saw this in theaters as well and it definitely took me back to a simpler time. Poor Gail Weathers, I actually finally felt a little bad for her in this one. I didn't like Heather Graham getting all up in Dewey's biznazz either. And Adam Brody and that guy from Kangaroo Jack that I met at Sundance that one time's time was cut way too short. They should have lived and saved the day, but no they had to die. Other than that, the movie lives little to care about except that Sidney doesn't get to die she just gets to electrocute her cousin killer with the help of a good portion of the original cast. Pretty good for a final film I would say but part of me is still really hoping that there is more.
Scream tertrology marathons are the best and now I want to have more of them with popcorn, face masks and all of the above. Probably one of the few non-cheesy cheesy horror movie grouping things of all the times.
Random Friday night a few weeks ago, had the place to myself until Zack got home from work and I decided to watch Scream. Why? Because it is an absolutely brilliant cinematic adventure. It takes me back to fifth grade on my couch watching it with my four year old sister (who had already seen it AND knew who the killer was). I resorted to this because Hollywood Video had a huge wait list for it and somehow my sister was able to convince my dad to rent it. So that worked in my favor. It was one of the few summer days my mom had stayed home from work so we were all able to enjoy this epic horror adventure.
We watched, she gasped and screamed...a lot. We definitely did the title justice and I'm actually surprised I was able to watch the entire movie because I was still deeply scarred from Candyman.
Friday night than to re-live this moment of my youth. It was just as good as I remembered even if I can now obviously tell that the killers are Billy and Stu because obviously. Why stop there? Let's watch Scream 2.

Hell yes. Cameo's by Buffy (Sarah Michelle Gellar) and Pacey (Joshua Jackson) and a really warped looking Portia de Rossi. Seriously, her eyebrows were gnarly and she totally played a sorority chick that hung out with Dylan McKay's wife. What would Ellen say? Randy died in the van and Courtney Cox had awesome hair. There were also a million Friends references that I truly didn't appreciate when I saw that in theaters. Also, the killers in this movie are really stupid. The dude from Justified and Jackie from Roseanne? It didn't make sense then and it still doesn't know, but the beautiful part is that it didn't NEED to make sense, did it? It just was.

So why not spend Saturday night watching Scream 3? MCDREAMY as a cop? Somehow I'm okay with this. Patrick Dempsey is stuck in between weird looking Dempsey and McDreamy Dempsey so it's a little precious to be able to witness that. Of course I've always been Team Noel when all things Felicity are considered so right on for him trying to kill everyone in this movie. Again, the story line is totally bonkers but I think the killer was much better than in the sequel. I had totally forgot that he was Sidney's brother, too. And Courtney Cox had horrible bangs and they really needed to go away. And why did Cotton Weary have to die? He was the best. And we have the same photo in our houses.
So I couldn't not watch Scream 4. This movie was awful, but not awful enough for me to not enjoy. Then again, I typically love awful things so it works. I saw this in theaters as well and it definitely took me back to a simpler time. Poor Gail Weathers, I actually finally felt a little bad for her in this one. I didn't like Heather Graham getting all up in Dewey's biznazz either. And Adam Brody and that guy from Kangaroo Jack that I met at Sundance that one time's time was cut way too short. They should have lived and saved the day, but no they had to die. Other than that, the movie lives little to care about except that Sidney doesn't get to die she just gets to electrocute her cousin killer with the help of a good portion of the original cast. Pretty good for a final film I would say but part of me is still really hoping that there is more.
Scream tertrology marathons are the best and now I want to have more of them with popcorn, face masks and all of the above. Probably one of the few non-cheesy cheesy horror movie grouping things of all the times.
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