
jordan drinks tab

Enjoying refreshing TaB's, while indulging in some really good and really bad television.

Mondays. Now that We Are Men got the axe, it's just How I Met Your Mother, Mom and Hostages. All good in my opinion therefore I always look forward to having a case of the Monday's.

I'm funny.

Is this entire season of How I Met Your Mother going to take place in one long weekend? So far the only answer I can come up with is YES and it's getting tired. Meet her. Meet the mother. It's honestly been NINE YEARS we have waited for you to meet the damn mother, Lily has met her, we have met her, get on with it already. I seriously don't want to be sitting there at the final episode and have freaking Ted JUST meet her and we get to see no development. Please. Come on. On a sidenote I very much enjoy me some Grandpa Gilmore even as a judgmental reverend.

Top two results when you google search "the mother".


Neither of them look like my mother.

Mom. I'm having a hard time loving it but at the same time it's Allison Janney and she can basically do no wrong in my eyes. I feel like Badger (from Breaking Bad is wasting his potential, he should just find another place to sell meth. I missed Jesus boyfriend but Minnie fro The Help made up for it. She is kind, she is smart, she is important.

Why aren't more people watching Hostages? Even if it only lasts a season, please have an epic ending and just be done but it's pretty good and I really hope other people recognize that. Between Jimmy Cooper and Billy Walsh I'm completely sold and main hostage Dylan man isn't too shabby either. However, the children mostly bug me. Go to Canada.

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