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Enjoying refreshing TaB's, while indulging in some really good and really bad television.

Slow week, eh? Repeat of SVU with Coven being the only new show on tonight. Though I do have a clip of The Daily Show that I feel must be shared. Let's do this.

This season of American Horror Story is a gatrillion times better than Asylum. That's just me, I'm sure there are those out there that loved Asylum, I just was not one of them, but I'm so on board with witches. There is always a skanky husband in these too which always makes me sad, though having Frances Conroy back more than makes up for it. Until skanky husband up and shoots his mistress, whaaat? And I recommend not witnessing someone cut off their tongue.

As far as The Daily Show goes, on Tuesdays episode Jon Stewart sent actors to Mississippi and Alabama posing as a gay couple. They had spoken to some residents there who were completely horrendous in their views. So you're not for gay marriage, that's fine. Not my place. But no need to be ridiculously offensive. However in sending the actors there it was discovered that people are actually a lot more tolerant than expected. And that's great. I may not agree with everyone in the world but I won't ever crap on your beliefs, even if they're different than mine. Here is the link to the clip if you're interested. Of course it's meant to be satirical and it is, but it's also hilarious and rather warm. And in a way it makes me applaud Utah for being FAR more tolerant than some of these people even though sometimes the world thinks we are not. Utah rules, honestly. The end. Off soapbox.

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