Dear Dexter,
I feel like we have been through so much in our short time together. Obviously when I say short I am referring to the fact that we've only been in contact about three and a half years. I binged through your first five seasons, enthralled, couldn't get enough. And when I was finally on the same viewing schedule as most in the Dexter world, you seemed to start giving up on your end of the bargain. You didn't seem to want to deliver as you once had. No longer did you hold every shred of attention I could muster up in fifty-eight minutes. I started growing tired of your redundancy, yet something told me I had to hang on. I couldn't give up just yet.
Now, a few days after your finale I try to find the words to send you off. I can't say that I was disappointed in your ending, however I can't say that I was satisfied either. Where is the middle ground on those two feelings? Is there one? I had waited for this tome come, being somewhat distracted with another show airing on Sunday nights, one with far superior writing, at least as of late. Was that the problem? Did I become too involved with Breaking Bad that I forgot about you? The show that taught me how anxiety and television could mix so well? Maybe it was so, and for that I am sorry. I'm sorry Dexter. I am sorry for not investing in you as I once had, but I also feel you're partially to blame. You didn't move me like you used to. Something has changed. We've grown apart.
I am happy to know that the majority of the loose ends were tied, however not giving me a proper farewell to Masuka and Batista and hell, even Quinn, wasn't very kind of you. And what about Harrison? Are your colleagues supposed to think that you'd just sailed off into your inevitable demise with your son in tow? You couldn't deal with the loss of your sister so you had to off yourself and your son, at least, according to them? Hopefully Hannah takes care of him the way she should. I am thankful to know that at least two of them seemed to confirm that you are indeed a killer. Quinn always thought he knew that about you and when you finally proved him right it seemed a little lackluster. A pen, Dexter? Okay. A pen. Thank you so much Quinn and Batista for acknowledging this little tidbit with poise and grace.
And considering you're in constant survival mode, I am not the least bit surprised that you survived the storm. I am slightly surprised, however, that you managed to end up living a life so painfully opposite from where you were before. Or maybe that's just how I feel we were led to believe.
I do want to say thank you for the years of entertainment, the binge watching and the surprises. And even for the slower moments, because deep down I knew you were still in there and every once in a while I would catch a glimpse of the show I once knew.
I still wish we could have had one last scene with you surrounded by all that you'd removed from the earth, mainly Doakes and Trinity and Lila. Even seeing Rita smiling at you, proud you'd raised her son well (until you handed her off to another serial killer, that is).
I wish you well, and good luck with your beard. I hope that life takes you back to your son at some point. You're not a bad guy, Dexter, and the show was not bad either. Sometimes these things just need to end before they do, but I think, all things considered, you ended with great dignity.
Love, Jordan.
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