
giant breaking bad superpost lovedragon part two bf


The first time I wrote about Breaking Bad was here. Considering the finale is the Sunday I figured for part two I would divide into BF (before finale) and AF (after finale).

SUPER SPOILERS AHEAD, you've been warned.

If you haven't been watching Breaking Bad I suggest if you want to continue our friendship you get on Netflix or download or borrow DVDs. DO YOURSELF A FAVOR. It may be the only thing worth talking about until Game of Thrones comes back. And even that won't feel the void that is Breaking Bad. Nothing will.

First to debunk basically everything I thought was going to happen during the latter half of season 5, so far Holly is still alive, pink hasn't really surfaced (unless you count the teddy's random appearance, and we don't know for sure if Walt was wearing a wire (I almost think it's the string from the wedding ring he put around his neck due to his weigh loss). Funny thing is there is now a whole new set of w.t.f.'s that we have to ponder now, so that's super fun. With one episode left (sob) how the HELL are they going to wrap this up and end it? Are they going to pull a Dexter? I don't think so because unlike those writers, I have the utmost faith in Vince Gilligan.

Where we are: Walt is seriously suffering from his cancer now. Having relocated to the remote mountains in New Hampshire he has resorted into paying $10,000 an hour for a man to play poker with him to cure his loneliness. It's bad. And it's deserved, but that doesn't mean I'm not a little sad about it. His son just basically asked him to die please, Hank is kaput, not by Walt's hand but essentially he is the cause, and his wife Skyler is facing jail time even after he tried to exonerate her.

Jesse may or may not be dead (may not, please) after watching his sort-of girlfriend Andrea get shot in the head by Todd (I'm sure he told her son Brock he was "Sorry for his loss" after whacking her, Todd is so polite).

And then there's Gretchen and Elliot, which out of fracking nowhere resurfaced on Charlie Rose only to tell the world that the only contribution Walt had made to Gray Matter was THE NAME. That lit a damn fire under Heisenberg's ass, basically having nothing else to live for since his family hates him, Hank is gone and Jesse is his enemy.

The finale is called Felina. Not only is Felina an anagram for finale, it also means: Fe (Iron), Li (Lithium), and Na (Sodium) which can be translated to Blood, Meth and Tears. There ya go. Seriously I don't believe a single detail is overlooked when it comes to this sort of thing. The first episode of this season was titled "Live Free or Die" which is the motto of New Hampshire where Walt is now, however taken literally, if he is caught there is no way he's going to even see the inside of a prison.

So now, what the hell else can happen?

Oh I'll tell you. But before I do I asked a few of my mates to give me their best final episode breakdowns, in their own words (and accents in some cases).

Chryshele's theory -

With Walt having just been called an asshole by junior and finding out that his only contribution to Gray Matter was the name, Walt is brought to the point of no return. These events will be what brings him back to New Mexico. Walt is determined to take out Todd and his "gang" for ruining Walt's life by killing Hank, but it goes badly. In retaliation true to Todd, he kills Skyler and furthers Walt's insanity.

But before Skyler is killed, Walt makes one more attempt to reconcile with his family, who is still convinced that he killed Hank. He tries to give Skyler the money that junior refused and, junior calls the cops and Walt has to disappear. Todd then shows up and kills Skyler while Walt is watching from a distance. Todd gets away just as the cops show up.

Now that Todd has killed Skyler, Walt is more determined than ever to kill Todd and sets things in motion. Junior and Holly are now orphans essentially and Marie takes them in, but she's barely there herself because she's so stricken with grief that junior has to take care of Holly himself.

Jesse who has just seen his girlfriend killed by Todd and is still in their entrapment, tries again to break free of his pit and this time succeeds, only to run into Walt who is on his way to kill Todd. Walt and Jesse team up to kill Todd and his "gang" and this time succeed, and then Jesse turns on Walt before Walt tries to do the same thing, and Jesse kills Walt. Jesse then leaves the state and tries to start over.

Flynn and Holly stay with Marie and are only slightly screwed up, Walt left a message on Marie's phone before Jesse killed him telling her the coordinates of Hank's body, and Walt is forever thought to have murdered Hank. Walt's money is seized by the police and never to be seen again, all his "hard" work for nothing.

Jason Doxey's theory -
Breaking Bad has been an emotional roller coaster I hesitantly boarded a little over a year ago and consumed at a rampantly vicious rate once I got my taste of the blue stuff and the spiral it created in all of the affected lives around Walt Sr. Having invested so much time and energy into this property and it's characters and universe they inhabit I can only give my opinion of how I would like it to end; I want Walt to find resolution, as vindictive as that resolution may spew. It will not be the cleanest break, since the dirty laundry has already been consumed, but I want Walt to be okay and live out his numbered days as a free man, crime free and as innocently as he began this journey so that he may retire in as much peace as possible. I want his family to reap the benefits of his lifestyle as recompense for the sacrifices, mostly unbeknownst to them, of his misguidedly cunning ways. And everyone else around him/them to get what's coming to them or become lost in their ignorance. Any way I spin the end of this most epid of sagas is irrelevant, but that's how I want it to go. I will miss this mess and can only look forward to the spin off story of Saul as consolation. I'm glad it's ending while it's on top and I'll be there to witness it firsthand for the first time the FIRST TIME it's available. Thank you Breaking Bad family, for your gratuitous gift of compelling and engaging entertainment. It will live on for generations.

Zack and Aadi's theory (because family collaborates) -

Aadi (to be said in a thick Mexican accent): So, basically what we think is going to happen is Walt is going to go after all of Todd's uncles cronies and what's basically going to happen is he will buy guns and stuff and go after them. We believe that Jesse will be stuck in the crossfire but will survive and it will come down to a huge showdown between Walt and Jesse. And we think that Walt will end up crippled and Jesse will be dead because he will bleed out or something, and Walt will have to live in a wheelchair with his only means of communication being a bell (ding, ding, ding).

Zack: Skyler and Walt Jr will survive, honestly it's never been about them so why start now. Walt has created all of this risk and he himself will be the one to suffer.

In the end, the whole reason for doing this was Gray Matter. What if, Walt completely forgets about Todd, the Aryans, Lydia, everyone and goes after the Schwartz's? Early on Jesse asked Walt why he couldn't just stop now? He'd made enough money, why go on? Walt explained that he'd sold his stake in Gray Matter for peanuts and now it's a billion dollar company. Never again.

Michael Doxey's theory - Everyone dies, bitch.

My thoughts? I know you were waiting. I think that considering all that has gone down, the primary reason Walt started this whole mess was to make sure his family was financially secure if his cancer took a turn for the worse. Walt now has no hope of regaining his family. They're done with him. So now he can fully embrace Heisenberg, take out Lydia and Todd's family of Aryan's without worry that his family will find out. Skyler has already been taken out by them, Marie has taken in the children where they are all she has left, Walt can take his own life via Ricin because he is alone. Hopefully in the desert in his underwear. Let's bring this full circle. I would really like to see him contact Marie in someway to give her the exact coordinates of Hank's body so she can have some closure. It is the least he could do.

Jesse needs to live. If Walt doesn't take his own life, he needs to perish by the hand of Jesse. Jesse hasn't always been the best kid, I'll admit that, but he has a heart and he has given up a lot and tried on so many occasions to fix himself and look what has happened. He deserves a fresh start, possibly with Brock though I'm fairly sure that Child Protective surfaces wouldn't let a random felon take care of that sweet little dude.

Some of my other favorite theories from around the web (possible and so not possible):
- Gus was Lydia's baby mama. He had children's toys when Walt visited him for dinner, Lydia has always been the most protected of his people, she has a daughter? Someone mentioned that after she dies (hopefully) they cut to a photo of Gus with her little girl in the house. Random but interesting.
- Walt blackmails Gretchen and Elliot somehow into financially supporting his family. That way the money they receive doesn't really look that suspicious.
- This article here has a lot of them, mainly confirming how Walt takes on the traits of people he kills (crusts like Crazy 8, ordering drinks like Mike, foreshadowing Jesse and Skyler by dressing like him and making bacon numbers like her). Super chills.
- and now Buzzfeed has posted this list of 11 predictions for the finale. Yup.

But really, we actually all KNOW how it's going to end, right?


Until Sunday we won't officially however it may be a safe bet to think that every single one of these theories are wrong because, in true Breaking Bad style, we truly have no idea. Like, none.

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