
jordan drinks tab

I'm bad at this this week.

Enjoying refreshing TaB's while indulging in some really good and really bad television.

SO lets talk about SVU and Coven and also Sean, Michael J Fox and Parenthood. FEELS.

WHAT THE HELL SVU. I'm super glad Amaro is okay but YOU DO NOT LET CRAGUN LEAVE WITHOUT TELLING ME. I get that it was all over the internet and somehow I missed it but Jesus, not cool. Hashtag bring back Stabler.

So Coven didn't happen, sorry. There were technical difficulties so I'm sure it'll happen soon.

Sean did good if mostly for the Elevator Cake song which I am hoping gets released on itunes soon.

I laughed my ass off during The Michael J Fox show. I seriously went to a poetry night once at a coffee shop in Salt Lake and it was exactly like that to a T, and this was probably 2006, soooooo yeah. Epic. I love that Michael found a dude friend for a bit even if he had one all along.

I have a soft spot for Seth and I love when he recurs on Parenthood. I also love that Amber sought him out. Though I love her relationship with her mom, I think she needs Seth. Millie is driving me nuts. Maybe I'm a jerk and it's not that I don't want her to live her dreams but really? REALLY? I feel bad for Zeek. He wasn't that terrible and of course there is room to compromise but I'm getting annoyed. Hank has my heart, too.

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