
jordan shutt is a writer/blogger/designer from salt lake city, utah. she enjoys TaB, fried food and really bad movies and television. she gets extremely excited when she gets a postcard and after she graduates hogwarts she wants to attend starfleet academy.

i dream. i write. my hair is mostly tangled even on the weeks it's actually clean (i hate clean hair). i love to cook but i'm not fancy about it. tree-hugging hippie. a few tattoos. lots of television obsessions. my hair is dyed black right now and i have one dread? when did i become a dog person. i would be okay with pizza for all of the meals. i like to take pictures but usually i forget. i think there should be a 7-11 delivery service for me to take advantage of. i want to design something pretty and write something honorable. i feel like at times i'm stuck in a more creative body than i tend to show off and i'm trying to figure out a way to let her out.

This blog is where I put more of my actual writing. A lot of it has to do with television and pop-culture with a little bit of me thrown in here and there. If you want more of the day to day stuff I suggest visiting my tumblr, twitter or instagram.


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