
jordan drinks tab

Enjoying refreshing TaB's while indulging in some really good and really bad television.

So some television is back? I had no idea honestly. So.

Sean Saves The World, The Crazy Ones, The Michael J Fox Show, The Big Bang Theory and Parenthood. Wahoo.

Leave it to Big Bang to make me cry right? And don't leave me with that ending, Penny and Leonard should probably get married before the show ends. The lead up is just too much. And I really thought that Raj was going to mack on Stuart but apparently I was wrong there.

Sean cheered me up. I love Leslie Grossman (MERRY CHERRY) and she was amazing as the bitchy PTA leader. Sean was fantastic too but my hat is off to Max and his poem and mustache. Love could not get creepier.

The Crazy Ones had my heart with all of the video game references. I have been that girl, it's called World of Warcraft and it's an addiction and maybe an intervention would help. I'm also glad they got the account.

Michael J Fox had its moments, mainly the kid slumber party. Ian is a good party thrower, he's redeemed himself to me at this point. And the crazy aunt needing to go to Ikea is basically me when my car was broken, though I never went as far as bumming rides from limo drivers.

Alright, I had to end the night with a crier, right? Parenthood will do that to you. Julia/Joel/Ed. I liked Jasmine bonding with Sarah. Sarah/Dr/Hank. AND HANK??? Really he has asbergers? I can't wrap my head around that but it does make sense and my heart is a little sad over it. And I really, really hope that Zeek goes to Italy.

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