
jordan drinks tab

Enjoying refreshing TaB's, while indulging in some really good and really bad television.

HIMYM aka Wow Could It Take Any Longer To Get To The End Of This Freaking Thing, the Mom show that is apparently doing better than Hostages, which is also on tonight.

Menopausal Janney wins at LIFE. I have NEVER laughed as hard at a Mom episode as I did in this one holy mother of yes. Throwing plates out of the window, "am I pretty?" and banging anything that pee's standing up. Lady has class and truthfully if she wasn't in this I would have given up on the show months ago. Well maybe not, because I really adore Jesus looking teenager with his epic hair.

FINALLY HIMYM did something for my tear ducts! I've been waiting since the first few episodes. Between Robin finally being accepted by Barney's mom aka Ruth Fisher aka scary lady from multiple episodes of American Horror Story and the proposal at the end? OMG I die. We've seen the official proposal, can we just meet her already? Like officially meet her? I feel like one of Ted's kids, just waiting for him to get to the point so I can go and do hood rat things with my friends.

Hostages. I learned that Billy Walsh is called Kramer and he's a brother/brother-in-law to Duncan? Is that right? They've probably mentioned this before and I was probably texting during it. But either way I really like Kramer and I want him to be the hero, whatever that means. And you go boy, you get with Nikita. I about crapped my pants when Ellen was confessing to her lawyer and then pieced it together realizing that he is involved. AND obviously Duncan is not going to die. Because then the show would be done right? Maybe not but it seems like it would.

And just to ruin your day a little bit...the other night Chryshele and I were talking about how by reading theories and speculations of shows (mainly Breaking Bad) we end up being slightly underwhelmed when the show actually wraps because nothing it a total surprise because it's been discussed. I came across one for HIMYM that has never even remotely crossed my mind but apparently it has everyone elses so stop reading if you don't want any random speculations and unofficial spoilers...but is the reason that Ted is telling his kids how he met their mother because she is dead? God, I hope not. Enjoy the rest of your night.

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