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Enjoying refreshing TaB's while indulging in some really good and really bad television.

Girls is back with a two-parter, we had some Simpsons and Bob's Burgers. And Revenge is giving me anxiety.

So lets just get Revenge out of the way. Why the hell is Emily staying? Oh, because if she left with Aiden the show would be over. By the way is it Aiden or Aidan because I'm fairly sure I spell it differently each time. Anywho, she is just acting exactly like they're expecting her to now that they know she knows Daniel shot her but honestly I'm guessing that's part of the plan? I am glad Nolan was smart enough to switch the boxes, too. Why did I even doubt him.

Best line and basically the entire part of the show I understood in The Simpsons: Something along the lines of "I wrote some Lost fanfiction that also solved may questions about Twin Peaks and also rated all of the Doctor Who Doctors by hair puffiness."

Bob's Burgers and magic. I am not sure two things go better together, and now I don't have to wonder about that anymore. This was Tina's time to shine and I believe that she will have several chances to be in a straight jacket again.

Girls. I hated last season. I did. I hated it for the most part. TOTALLY REDEEMED. What a start right? Had to have some Hannah boob, of course. Marnie's mom is insane, I feel really bad for Jessa. Granted she's brought most of this on herself and getting herself kicked out of rehab is stupid but I'm glad she's around again. I have a love/hate relationship with Adam. Granted Natalia basically delivered some of the best, most offensive lines I've ever heard to him which he more than deserved but sometimes he will go and surprise me by being sweet to Marnie, same with Shoshana and offering to go to a meeting with Jessa. And Hannah, you seem like you're in a good place and for this I'm grateful. Really looking forward to this season.

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