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SVU from Wednesday with Thursday and the Sean Saves The World, The Michael J Fox Show, Parenthood and hey, Reign is back!

SVU had me a bit confused but it still holds up with how great this season has been so far. It did leave some questions unanswered: Is Olivia going to start hitting the bottle on the regular? Is Rollin's gambling problem going to resurface? And I miss Cragun

Sean was not bad, I like that he got to show his crazy side though unintentionally and it's nice to see his mom and bff on the same side.

I may have teared a bit during MJF. But to be honest I wouldn't want to be in Russia right now either. I like Eve really wanting to participate in tha pageant and the entire family being on board, that was cute.

Parenthood gave me feels, but doesn't it always? Seriously? I really hope something goes better for Joel and Julia....seeing the kids upset really got to me. And I hope that Millie and Zeek work out okay, she is starting to really get on my nerves but isn't it obvious that her family needs her?

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