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Enjoying refreshing TaB's while indulging in some really good and really bad television.

So it's been a while. That's okay, lack of television is giving me time to catch up on Twin Peaks and Chuck so all is good in the hood. But for now lets talk about three things: The Carrie Diaries, Downton Abbey and Doctor Who.

The Carrie Diaries aired a few weeks ago and my feelings are still with Walt. not only did his family kick him out but even Mr. Bradshaw had a hard time accepting him at first. It took a bit but they soon bonded over The Golden Girls and WHO WOULDN'T?? I am also glad that Carrie and Sebastian reconciled It was much needed and he's an all around good guy for the most part. As for Mouse and her pretty boy, I've adored him up until now, I thought he was kind of a dbag they way he handled her getting into Harvard. Okay, get over yourself plz.

I completely forgot that Downton Abbey was even on, so that's cool. I was pleased but it wasn't anything like the last Christmas special (RIP Matthew). Edith just needs to get cut a break already, Thomas is even more vile than I remember and I'm glad Mary is on the Bate's bandwagon. Sure he did a bad thing but for a good reason. His loyalty is to the family and you know that. And seriously Mrs. Hughes and Mr. Carson, it's about damn time.

Doctor Who. A few things. Feels. Confusion. More feels. Lots more confusion. Maybe it's just me but there are times where I am downright lost when it comes to this show. I can read all the wiki pages and I can ask Chryshele as many times as I want and I still end up missing something.

That being said, the episode overall was interesting and though confused it held my interest better than some of the other Christmas specials. I knew the entire time that it was Matt Smith's last hurrah with the 11th Doctor regenerating into the 12th Doctor, like most did, so I think that was part of it. I was happy that Clara got to see the change, I was happy that Amy Pond came back briefly as "the first person this face saw" but besides that, the regeneration left a lot to be desired. I felt that as one of the pivotal Doctors he deserved a bit more, though I won't lie, afterwards I felt a little intrigued by this new Doctor and I'm excited to see what he'll do. However, 11, Matt Smith, he will always be my Doctor and I won't stop missing him.

You are the best and bowties are cool.

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