
extra blanket


There is a time of year in New York when, even before the first leaf falls, you can feel the seasons click. The air is crisp, the summer is gone. And for the first night in a long time, you need a blanket on your bed.
- Carrie Bradshaw, Sex and the City - I HEART NY

Granted this is Utah and it isn't even considered fall yet (counting down dem days), but I love this quote at the beginning of this particular episode (lezbe honest, season 4 is far superior to any other SATC season, amiright?). I have noticed in the past few days besides wearing cardigans when it is still 90 degrees, that there is a change in the air. It's small but it is there. I can smell it. I almost think I have a knack to smell the fall as Lorelei Gilmore can smell the winter. Fall is my season.

Ah, the end of summer. It was a nice summer. Lots of rain and friends and flowers to smell and gardens to weed. But I'm ready. I'm so beyond ready. I even wore a sweater today because it was a torrential downpour when I woke up and about fifteen minutes into work at the day job I had my water bottle stuffed down my shirt to ice my body because I was in hell. It was only awkward for the one second that one of my supervisors came over to ask me a question and I had to try and hide it with my elbow. Never again.

Tonight, however, there is a breeze and I can feel it just a little bit but it's enough that I feel like that extra blanket signalling the start of the fall season is necessary.

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