
fantasy boy band


I saw this on Hello Giggles this morning and laughed...a lot. Seriously? The boys can play Fantasy Football/Baseball/Lacrosse/Whatever while me and my gal pals put on fake concerts with our Fantasy Boy Bands. Man, there is so much to consider when picking yours, I never would have guessed. All members have different attributes (remember 2Gether? Yeah, they had all the fixins, the "older brother" type, the "bad boy", the "heartthrob" and even the little one....RIP.) I now am on a mission to create the best boy band ever.

My choices?

Lance Bass (*Nsync)...I mean come on. He's got the best baritone voice out there (or bass, maybe?) and that's always needed for those crooney balads.
A.J. McLean (BSB)...he is the best badboy out there, you can't not have him in your ultimate band.
Rich Cronin (LFO...RIP)...yes, he's not with us anymore, but if he was I would choose him purely for the fact that he writes some sick lyrics (which I'm totally sure he didn't write), but he can for sure sing them.
Drew Lachey (98 degrees)...the lesser-known Lachey with bit parts on Nick and Jessica's reality show, my love for him stems from his ability to play a convincing Mark Cohen in RENT.
Justin Timberlake (*Nsync)...because he is a superstar, and considering everyone else I chose is quite under the radar, I need a big name to give us some oomph. Plus, everything he touches turns to gold.
Honorable mention: Taylor Hanson...he's talented yet he actually is in a band, so we'll just keep him on-hand for lyric writing.

I think someone should draft their own and we should make this happen. The article above has much to discuss about how to actually play this out that it may be workable...what do you think?


  1. Lance, Drew....AJ and Nick both have pipes....meh this is hard

  2. Any Fantasy Boyband that doesn't have JT is not one that I wish to be part of! So yes, I love your choice :-D Also, 2Gether 4 Life.

  3. Holy Cow. You had me at Boy Band. :) I love me some good boy band music. ...in college I paid waaaay to much money to see NSync's next to last concert, and you better believe I loved every minute. Ha. ALSO a few years ago I had a very creeptastic meeting with the one and only Jordan Knight....he is quite weird, and therefore shall not make my fantasy boyband cut. ;)

    My fantasy boyband would be:
    Justin Timberlake (duh)
    Joe McIntyre (my first boy band crush)
    Nick Lachey (hello dimples)
    Nick Carter (because just one Nick isn't enough)
    Ashley Parker Angel (because I just took it waaaay back and got super dorky. O-Town Holla!)

    Loving your blog....it's my first time here. And I totally just wrote you a book. ;)

    Happy week ahead, new friend! xx

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